Tuesday, December 14, 2010


June 11th, 2011

I have arrived in Madagascar, fully refreshed and fed from my flight. My safari jeep should be here shortly to pick me up and take me to the hotel (and then out to the open fields for tons of picture taking)!!


Here are some pictures from the safari! It was a really good time! We drove around the land for hours looking for animals and scenic places to take pictures... These guides really know what they are doing!! Then we found a clearing with a small watering hole and we had a small supper that was provided with the cost of the safari trip.

 ^ This is while I was in the jeep driving alongside the coast to get to our starting location for the safari
 ^ These are some cute baby Lemurs with their mommy!
 ^We were canoeing (which I have never done before) in a small river and some curious elephants came walking over to watch us.
 ^ This is a baby Fossa!! They had a small reservoir where they had some baby animals that had been lost or separated from their parents and this is where they took care of them until they were able to get around on their own. He was sooo cute and we each got a turn to hold the little fella'! 
^ As we were heading back to our starting location, I saw this lioness in the grass watching us from afar. She seemed calm, like she was used to humans coming through all the time, but she knew we wouldn't harm her... I like safaris.

Madagascar was a really neat place to go to, and it's one of those names where you can say, "Hey, I have been there!! Yea, just like the place in the movie!"  : )

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